Jurnal Keolahragaan is a journal published by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta twice a year, April and September. The journal publishes research and review articles as well as book reviews on various aspects of the sports and exercise sciences, including anatomy, biomechanics, performance analysis, physiology, psychology, sports management, sports medicine, sports nutrition, health, and well-being, as well as coaching and talent identification and physical education.

Link web: Jurnal Keolahragaan (






MEDIKORA is a sports health scientific journal published by the Sports Science Study Program of the Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta which contains the results of critical analysis studies and research in the field of sports health, physical therapy, physical fitness, sports therapy, sport management, adaptive, sport psychology, sport biomechanics, and sport sociology. The Journal is published twice a year (April and October).

Link web: MEDIKORA (